Saturday, May 2, 2009

Finding Yourself by Losing Weight

For those of us who are overweight each and every day can feel like a day where we are living a life that isn't ours. Trapped by the excess weight that enslaves our every movement, just walking across the room can be a challenge. In this day and age of fast food and super sized empty calorie meals tempting us on each commercial break and from each billboard we pass it can be a challenge we cannot undertake by ourselves. That is why I'm here, telling my story and giving information about how you can find your own weight loss victory. As I have realized, until you can find a way to lose the weight that binds you, you can never really be yourself. So learn what you can here so that you can Lose Weight and Find Yourself!

I've been overweight for just about as long as I can remember. I was over 200lbs in junior high school with a frame of 5'6". Once I went to college the situation just got worse, and by the time I found a woman to live with who would cook for me the situation had gotten well out of hand. I kept telling myself that the issue was more with the way that the media would glamorize the ultra thin of Hollywood than it was with my health. It is easy to lie to yourself when your addiction is something you have to have to live day to day. At least with drugs or alcohol it is something that you can quit cold turkey and try to stay completely away from. Not so with food addiction, you need food to survive. I had started to self medicate with food, emotional eating some people call it. If I was sad - I would eat. If I was happy - I would eat. If I was bored I would eat. Food is always accepting of you. It never judges you. It is always your friend and will fill that empty space. I was eating myself to an early grave.

It wasn't until my girlfriend forced me to go to a weight loss specialist for her peace of mind that my perspective changed. They ran the blood work and all the needed tests. The results were undeniable. I was on the brink of diabetes. If I didn't do something soon, I would be on a no return path to my demise before I turned 40.

Armed with this information and medical assistance I began the journey from 300lbs and diabetes to 230lbs and a healthy lifestyle. It wasn't easy in the beginning. However, I found that the more I worked at it, armed with the correct information, the easier it became and the better I felt. In fact, after losing the first 20lbs I felt like a new man. I could walk without breaking a sweat. I could tie my shoes without holding my breath. Life was looking up all the time. I was depressed less and less and really beginning to live life again. It wasn't a miracle, but it was miraculous.

As time permits, I'll be sharing more about the concepts and philosophies to help you with your quest to Lose Weight and Find Yourself.

Stay tuned...

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